Looking Back: 2021

So it’s December 31, 2021. Everyone is thinking about their year and making posts to share what they accomplished. I initially didn’t think I had that much to share but after looking back over my Instagram feed there are quite a few things that stand out.
Creative Highlights
I traveled to Colorado to attend my first ever art workshop. Doing an event with Jeanne Oliver was a bucket-list item and it was amazing. Up until then most of my creating had been on my own, but on this trip I got to truly experience the power of creative community. It was amazing to be around so many like-minded people and it completely changed my perspective. I didn’t know what I was missing out on and now I can’t wait to continue developing that community both online and in-person.

That led me to taking myself more seriously as an artist, including building my website, carving out a dedicated creative space in my home, and sharing more about my creative journey. Jeanne Oliver’s Creatively Made Business course played a big part in this. I took the big step of offering my art for sale online with my Etsy shop and on Society6, and I did my first ever local art market. I started calling myself an artist and letting people in my life know about what I was doing.

My husband is a photographer and we started collaborating on creative ideas using both of our talents. He has done a lot of the product photography you see in my gallery and the photoshoots of me in various places. There is more of that coming in 2022 that I can’t wait to share with you guys!

So looking back, it was a pretty big year! I can see the growth in my discipline and focus. I am better able to identify what is truly important to me…as well as what I am OK with having less of.
Wishing you a new year filled with health, happiness, creativity, and fun! Thank you for being here with me.