And Into the Forest I Go

…to lose my mind and find my soul.”
-John Muir
I recently had the opportunity to do a quick photoshoot with a local photographer. We took an afternoon in a local park to wander and explore in preparation for a bigger branding shoot planned for later this fall. Of course we snapped a few pictures too.
I was inspired by the foraging I did a few weeks ago at the Jeanne Oliver workshop. The plants we collected there were obviously native to Colorado but the experience has made me more aware of the natural world around me here at home in Florida. It was fun to get out and really take the time to slow down and truly see what was around me.
The park was quiet – there was only the sound of the wind in the trees and (when you got close enough) the rush of water from the stream.
I found some pretty wildflowers that I can use as a reference for sketching and things to use for mark making – but just as important was the time out in nature. Fresh air, disconnected from technology, and practicing being present. It’s all so good for my soul.
Part II of the Colorado/Jeanne Oliver workshop trip is coming tomorrow – stay tuned!
Photo Credit: Matt Geleske