Where Art Happens: Outside the Studio

To follow up with my previous post, I also wanted to point out that you’re not limited to a studio or a part of your home if you want to create. There are no restrictions on where art happens. Creativity can happen anywhere, inside or outside the studio.
Maybe you really don’t have space where you live, or maybe you are away from where you normally work. Maybe you just want a change of scenery.
Christine Peloquin is a local artist and she has a beautiful studio in her home (see below). As lovely as it would be to have a space like this that is dedicated solely to your work, not everyone has that available. If you are committed to creating, it is up to you to find a way. It is up to you to make it happen.

Plan ahead or be spontaneous. Either way, take your supplies with you when you leave home. You never know when you’ll have an opportunity to use them!
You can make art at the beach, by the ocean or a lake, in your backyard, or at a café. Sit and create on a park bench or spread a blanket in the grass. Set up on your tray table if you have a long airplane flight. Make a miniature studio out of the back of your vehicle.
Even if you only have a notebook and a pencil, you can still use those simple tools to capture your ideas.
As I said before, make art where you are.

I am a mom and a wife and I work a full time job. With our family’s schedule I don’t have a lot of time at home, so if I want to make art I have to figure out how to make it happen. Often, that means bringing my supplies with me. Every spare moment is valuable!
If I have to take my son to baseball practice, I will sketch on the bleachers while I’m waiting. I record my thoughts and ideas while I’m waiting in the car and practice techniques when I have extra time during the day. I doodle when I’m on my lunch break.
These times or places may not be ideal, but they are what is available to me.
Here are a few other artists who are taking their art with them out into the world. As you’ll see in their examples, it can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.

Seriously. MaryEllen of Hereandfarther (above) took her art supplies with her in a kayak. How awesome is that?
So make art where you are!
The point is that there are no limits to where or when or how you can create. Use your imagination! Don’t wait for things to be perfect, but follow the passions that are in your heart and use every opportunity you have.
How do you fit your creative practice into your schedule when you are on the go? Leave a comment & let me know!