Gathered Beauty: Beauty Is Best When It Is Shared

Beauty is captured. It is gathered. And it is shared.
A lot of people seem to think that the world is a place of misery and disappointment. I think that beauty is all around us if we have our eyes open for it.
There is beauty in the light and shadow as sunlight flickers through the branches of a tree. There is beauty between a parent and their child in their everyday moments. And there is beauty in the first sip of hot coffee in the early morning hours.
You can find moments of beauty if your heart is willing to see it, even on the worst days.
Seeing beauty is an intentional choice.
So often we miss those moments as we rush through our lives, going from one thing to the next. I want to be more intentional about recognizing the beauty that I see in the world. An easy way to do that is to slow down our constant scrolling through social media, and to stop and appreciate the things that resonate within you. Instead of double-tapping and moving on, stop and really look at an image and its caption. Stop and really look at an image and its caption instead of double-tapping and moving on Why do you like it? What draws you in?
I thought it would be fun to share that with you. So each Friday on Instagram I will share a few of the lovely things I have seen there in a “Gathered Beauty” feature in my IG Stories. It may be a pretty picture, a meaningful quote, a caption that struck me as particularly important, or highlighting beauty that other people are bringing to the world through their offerings.
Gathered beauty is so very valuable. Shared beauty is even better.
This is just one small way I can add beauty to the world. How can you do the same?