3 Reasons To Start A New Creative Hobby

It can be so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day routine of life. We are all busy in our own way: taking care of children, working a full-time job, managing the home, maintaining a social life – the list goes on and on. One thing that often falls through the cracks is taking care of ourselves. By this I don’t just mean take care of our physical bodies or practicing the self care that has become a culture in itself, but allowing ourselves the gift of time. There are lots of things you could do with that gift, but one of them is pursuing a creative hobby. The joy found by incorporating creativity into your life can spill over into other areas of your life, making you a better parent, spouse, employee, or friend.
Even if you think you are too busy to fit another thing into your daily routine, there are many benefits to adding a creative hobby to your life. I have talked before about what creativity is and all the different disciplines it encompasses. What I didn’t cover in that article was why creativity is important. I have gathered a few of my favorite reasons here just for you.
A creative hobby allows you to bring beauty into the world.
When we make something – whether it is a piece of music, a flower garden, a piece of art, or the written word – we are actually adding beauty to the world. And beauty does not necessarily mean pretty. It does not mean perfection. Beauty is an energy: It inspires goodness and brings light to our worst moments. If we can do anything to make the world even a little bit better, it is worth doing.

They make us see the world differently.
As we learn our crafts, we gain a different perspective of the world. The artist sees the different colors and shapes in the things around them. The gatherer sees inspiration for how they can welcome people into their home. The writer translates what they see into words and the musician adapts what they hear into music. The things in our environment are filtered through our new skills to bring about a new way of seeing and thinking in our creativity.

Creative hobbies allow you to share your part of the human experience and produce a record for history.
The creative community has always played a vital part in recording historical events. Art, music, words, and photography depict moments of the past and shed light on the perspective of the people that made them. This can be at the individual level or encompass a society as a whole. The arts give us insights to events, values, beliefs, and specific moments. They give us another way to understand the history of humanity as well as the present that we live in. Our creative work helps us know ourselves better and gives future generations a view into our world today.

When you create something, you are bringing something into existence that makes the world better. So do not wait until you have everything you think you need. The time will never be just right and the conditions will never be perfect. Just begin!