Fall in Florida: A Playlist

If you follow me over on Instagram, you’ll know I’ve been talking a lot lately about the change of seasons. Or rather, the lack of change! Other people are sharing pictures of fall activities, leaves that are changing color, and bundling up with scarves and boots. That is not the case here. Fall in Florida is pretty much the same weather as it is in late summer.
But come October, people in Florida go over the top when decorating and celebrating for fall and winter. It’s like we have to make our own holiday spirit since the climate doesn’t really change that much. When I lived in New England (where I was born & raised), the seasons were driven by the changes in weather and temperature, and that was a big part of what made people feel festive. Here in Florida though, people go crazy with decorating their homes, putting up lights, and embracing the season through more artificial means.

All of that to say that music is a huge part of this! When it is still warm in November, I love to listen to songs that feel like autumn. On Christmas day when it is 65*, we put on Christmas music and crank down the A/C.
My fall playlist this year has me thinking about falling leaves, cozy flannel blankets, and hot apple cider. When it’s playing, I can pretend that I don’t break a sweat just walking to the car. It makes fall in Florida a little more bearable!
If you want to listen along with me, you can do so right here, or click over to Spotify to listen online.
I hope you like it as much as I do!

Happy Fall!